Why should you care?

So, what can you do about it?

We believe every individual in the UK can help to reduce the waste produced. And we want to start this project in the heart of the country, in the Midlands!Most of the waste you produce within your household can be controlled and reduced.If you think carefully, much of what we throw away not only damages the environment, but it can also be considered wasted money that could be used elsewhere. Money that could have been saved for your kids, for yourself for a loved one.

By choosing to make small changes in our daily lives we are able to control the waste we produce!

By making a change today in our own household and lifestyle choices, YOU can make a difference!Me?Waste? is here to help you by giving you really easy and practical advice so you know how to reduce your own household waste.

We love to hear your opinions and your views on how we can all improve our lives and communities.

Get involved and be part of the change today.

Please support us by spreading the word!